Global Insurance Solutions for Business and Trade in Germany
Commercial Insurances in Germany
Professional advice for expats working in Germany
Six most important insurances in Germany:
Health Insurance
Legal Insurance
Household Insurance
Disability Insurance
Liability Insurance
Accident Insurance
The German insurance system is one of the most complicated in the world. Almost all risks can be covered by an appropriate German insurance product, however, we know from experience that it is quite confusing and time-consuming for expats to identify and select the right insurance cover for their specific needs. As independent insurance brokers, we enjoy the freedom to analyze and select the best insurance solution cover for our clients amongst more than 120 insurance providers. We can make sure that our clients obtain the best price/performance ratio insurance can provide while their stay in Germany. On top of that, we stand behind our clients in the case of insurance damage and assist them in claiming their benefits.
Health Insurance in Germany:
By law everybody living and working in Germany has to be health-insured by a certified German health insurance provider.
We offer private and public health insurance plans from all known German insurance companies selected for your own needs. There are several important aspects of the German insurance system that have to be considered before taking a decision. The following scenarios will give an impression of which type of health insurance scheme might be suitable:
Employees who live with their families in Germany and have a gross income of less than 57,600 € in 2017:
Only public health insurance (GKV) might be accessible for you, however, the wife/husband and all children living in the same household are co-insured are covered as well without additional contribution. The benefit of public insurance comprises basic medical treatment in Germany and EU countries. The employer contributes around half of the premium. However, the monthly rate varies with income. The higher the earning the higher the premium.
Self-employed expats and employees earning more than 57.600 € gross income in 2017:
Private health insurance covers high quality medical treatments all over the world and allows free choice of specialist doctors, hospitals, physicians and dentists. However, the applicant must be in a good health condition in order to be accepted by the provider. Also for an employee, the company contributes 50% of the premium including a contribution for a spouse. The premiums are mostly much more favorable than public insurance despite much better benefits. The monthly rate does not vary with the income, it depends only on the entry age and benefits chosen.
Please note that the mentioned cases show a window of the complex health insurance field. In any case, it is highly recommendable to consult a professional insurance broker in order to check upfront insurability and to find the best plan among 120 insurance provider companies and more than 700 different tariffs.
New health insurance program in Germany with a monthly termination option, medical video consultation in more than 20 languages and many more advantages. Please contact us for further information.
Legal Assistance Insurance in Germany:
One of the most important insurances in Germany. It helps you with legal consultation and financial support when having a legal dispute.
As in Germany most of the severe legal problems are solved by the court, regardless if there are disagreements with tax authorities, employers, landlords or merchants we strongly recommend to take on legal insurance. Especially for an expat, living abroad and experiencing totally different traditions and legal systems from home and not understanding the complicated foreign terminologies. The legal insurance covers all costs related to expenses for attorneys and court no matter if you win the case or not. If you are self-employed you will need special coverage for professionals.
Household Insurance in Germany:
This insurance protects your belongings in your home against damage or burglary. Household policies cover the risks of damages by fire, storm, or water and by burglary or vandalism.
It includes your complete furniture, clothes, computers and other valuable items that belong to your personal property. For inquiries please contact us for an all risk coverage. The costs for this insurance also depend on the size of your home and if you are self-employed and work in your home using one room as your office. In this case, it is necessary to insure the office equipment separately. We strongly recommend to arrange a personal consultation in order to analyze your individual situation so that we can provide you with the best coverage for your needs.
Disability Insurance in Germany:
It entitles you to a monthly disability pension if you suffer from a long term sickness or the effects of an accident.
In case of an accident or severe illness that can cause disablement to work in your present job, this insurance covers you with a regular income till you get retired (Age of 67). The pension will be paid out even when you take on another job in another area and if you go back to your home country.
Liability Insurance in Germany:
One of the most indispensable insurances. It covers third part claims against you due to damages and injuries.
The liability insurance protects you if you cause by accident or negligence injury to a person or his property. Damages of this kind can obviously be very high. For more loads more of money. Please note that this third-party private liability insurance will not provide cover for car accidents as this risk must be covered by a separate vehicle car liability insurance, which is obligatory in Germany.
Private Accident Insurance in Germany:
This cover pays out high lump-sum benefits (often between 150.000 and 550.000 €) or an accident pension in case of severe accidents causing long lasting physical disabilities.
This policy helps to offset the long term high financial losses and burdens which arise due to injuries due to an accident and the extra treatment and home adaptation costs that might arise due to the accident. It may also include costs for emergency rescues, cover for some specified illnesses, accidental death payments and livelong accident pensions.
Business Insurances in Germany:
Tailor-made insurance solutions for international companies founding subsidiaries in Germany. Professional insurance advice for freelancers starting their business in Germany.
For more detailed information please contact us for a personal consultation.
Cyber Insurances in Germany:
„Cyber Versicherung“
Due to the introduction of GDPR, the EU privacy protection law called DSGVO – Datenschutzgrundverordnung in Germany, cyber insurance cover is becoming vital protection against claims from customers in case of hacker attacks.
Please contact us for further information.
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